May 17, 2024

Supercharge Your Offers with Voma's Newest Updates [May 2024]

Anthony Xiques

Happy May!

Here’s the latest update on what our team at Voma has been building and shipping for you.

What we’re announcing today:

  1. Add Loom Videos to Your Offers and LMS Products
  2. Upload PDFs for Digital Products
  3. Add Leads to Your Offers Automatically
  4. Connect Your Essential Email and Offer Metrics (LVO) in One Dashboard
  5. Provide Multiple Payment Options in Your Offers (i.e. One-Time Payment vs. Split-Pay, or Monthly vs. Annual)

Before we jump into the latest updates, let’s talk for a minute about how we make decisions about what to prioritize.

What Do We Say “YES!” To?

Our mission is to make Voma the easiest way for you to create and test high-converting offers.

We’re BIG believers in the power of offers.

For the last decade, we've helped thousands of creators and digital marketers level up their offers with Deadline Funnel.

We’ve seen the insides of almost every checkout platform out there, and we know first-hand how something that seems simple (“sell my digital product”) can quickly become a tangled convoluted mess.

❌ Difficult to setup

❌ Once it’s live, you’re scared to change anything

❌ The complexity leads to a lack of clarity for your customers and limits the effectiveness of your offer.

This experience guides our decision-making about where to focus.

And so the first question we ask when planning what to build in Voma is:

Will this make it easy for creators to craft irresistible offers that convert like crazy?

And there’s one more really important piece of the puzzle that helps us stay on track…

Voma: Battle-Tested Daily by Our Own Team

Voma has powered the signup pages for Deadline Funnel and Voma in production for the past two years.

Here are two live examples:

Sadly, it’s become the norm for internet marketers to peddle half-baked apps they'd never trust for their own businesses.

That’s not how we operate.

We use Voma to sell Voma.

We use Voma to sell Deadline Funnel.

This benefits you because it means we’re extra motivated to create the best product possible - for your business and for ours!

Let’s dive in and take a look at the first update that we’re announcing today!

1. Add Loom Videos to Your Offers and LMS Products

There are two areas in Voma where you can embed videos:

  1. Your offers (checkout pages)
  2. Your digital products/courses

Videos create a personal connection with your audience and leads, transforming a form-driven purchase workflow into a human-centered experience with you and your brand.

With this latest update, Voma now supports embedding videos from four sources:

  • YouTube
  • Wistia
  • Vimeo

... and Loom.

Compare this with checkout or online course platforms with "built-in” video hosting.

What if you want to embed your video elsewhere?

Do you have to move all your videos if you want to move your checkout pages somewhere else one day? 🤦

Bottom line:

Hosting videos on Wistia, Vimeo, or Loom means you own and control your video library.

With Voma, you can embed videos from YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, and Loom in your offers or LMS products.

You can add multiple videos in the lesson editor - 1, 5, 10, whatever you want - you’re not limited to a single video at the top of the page.

P.S. Here’s why we ❤️ Loom:

  • Pay $15/mo and record/host/upload unlimited HD videos.
  • High-quality recording apps for Chrome, desktop, and mobile
  • You own your content and can embed it anywhere or share a Loom link directly.
  • Built-in video editor
  • Built-in analytics
  • Organize your content with folders.

2. Upload PDFs for Digital Products

In addition to videos, you can also upload and host PDFs in the Voma LMS for selling/delivering eBooks, playbooks, guides, templates, and/or course resources.

And Voma protects your PDFs:

  • Customers must be logged in to your LMS to access the PDF via a magic link for verification.
  • Once a user logs in to your LMS, the PDF link can’t be shared as it’s unique to the session and expires after 5 minutes.

Here are seven easy ways to use Voma’s new PDF hosting to deliver content to your leads and customers:

  1. Sell a playbook
  2. Sell a swipe file
  3. Sell an eBook
  4. Add supporting content to a mini-training or online course
  5. Deliver free content to new leads when they opt in to your email list.
  6. Deliver free content to existing leads when they click a link in one of your emails to join a “hot list”
  7. Provide bonus content or resources to customers after they submit an order for any product or service that you sell.

Notice how this list 👆 includes ideas about to use Voma to deliver value to your leads - not just your customers.

And that’s the perfect segue into our next update!

3. Add Leads to Your Offers Automatically

Voma gives you OfferStacks to supercharge your offers and give your leads a reason to buy now.

When you enable an OfferStack on your offer, you add a real deadline + discount/bonuses/offer that goes away after the deadline.

And if you are using an Evergreen OfferStack on your offer…

… then Voma creates a real deadline that’s unique to each lead, based on when you add them to your offer.

Up until now, there have been three ways you could add leads to your offers, granting them access to the offer and creating a unique deadline for that lead to purchase:

  • Manual import
  • Direct integration
  • Zapier

And now there’s a fourth option - you can add leads or customers to another offer directly in your offer automations in Voma!

This makes it SUPER easy to CONNECT multiple offers together to create your customer journeys.

🛒 Example #1 - Abandoned Cart

When a lead abandons the cart for Offer A, I want to apply a tag in ActiveCampaign and also add them to Offer B with a 1-hour deadline:

Example #2 - Ascension

When a lead purchases my intro Offer A, I want to apply a tag in ConvertKit and also add them to my core Offer B with a 7-day deadline.

This is a very powerful pattern and super simple to implement in your business with Voma 🔥

4. Connect Your Essential Email and Offer Metrics (LVO) in One Dashboard

Now you’re building customer journeys that span across your content, your emails, and your offers.

You’re capturing attention, delivering real value, and making sales. 😍

(Know, like, trust)

But sometimes it can be challenging to keep track of what’s happening where.

So we added a “Leads” column to your Offers dashboard in Voma.

Any offers that have an Evergreen or Optin to Offer OfferStack enabled (these are the offers that are usually connected to an email automation in your email platform) will display these three key metrics:

Leads » Visits » Orders (LVO)

Picture this. 📷

You have an email automation over there…

That links to an offer over here…

In Voma, you can see your key metrics for your email automations and your offers in one place:

  • Leads: how many leads went through the automation in the last 30 days
  • Visits: how many leads clicked to view the offer in the last 30 days
  • Orders: how many leads purchased in the last 30 days

Now you know what’s working, what’s not, and where to focus next. 🎯

5. Provide Multiple Payment Options in Your Offers (i.e. One-Time Payment vs. Split-Pay, or Monthly vs. Annual)

The last update that we’ll share today is multiple payment options.

Now you can very quickly and easily add multiple payment options to your offer:

This is perfect for giving your customers these choices:

  • monthly or annual
  • one-time payment or split-pay
  • lifetime or subscription

You can add up to three payment options for the main product that you are selling in your offer:

And it’s easy to change the order of the payment options that are presented on your offer and/or change which payment option is the default when someone opens your offer. ✨

What We’re Working On Next

Our team is focused right now on major improvements to:

  • checkout page design
  • offer appearance editor

… and leveraging work in both areas to give you a lot more customization options for your offers.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 🧊 🏔️

Do you have any feedback, questions, or ideas? Send us an email at help[at] We’d love to hear from you!